Dark Love: Rape (2008) 18+

Dark Love: Rape (2008)
Title : Dark Love: Rape

Date Released : 2008

Movie Quality : DVDRip

Starring : -

Genre : 18 | Adult

Format : MKV

Size : 800MB

Download : Dark Love: Rape (2008)

Subtitle : N/A


Katsuya Matsumura, the director of the nihilistic “All Night Long” series, sticks with what he knows in “Dark Love – Rape”. What this work shares with his infamous series is the cruelty humans visit on other humans. In this case, that cruelty is of a sexual nature. A young woman moves into an apartment that is rigged with hidden cameras. A voyeur, who has raped and abused other women, watches her every move, and begins a strange relationship with her. Although my synopsis is linear, this modest but impressive piece of film-making (a throwback to pink cinema from the 70′s and 80′s) is surreal and disturbing. There are instances of violence that are heavy and bloody; one, in particular, where the lead actress has her face repeatedly smashed into a floor, is ultra-realistic.

Matsumura’s characters are typically dysfunctional and on one-way roads to self-annihilation. The

director’s previous work was notable for its excellent, rich sound design; this is no exception. The

electronic score perfectly embellishes the unrelenting darkness while the sound effects are sharp and distressing. Although a little too slow at times, “Dark Love – Rape” has something very definite on its mind and wears the signature of a unique artist..

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